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Women's Health & Continence

Did you know...?

  •  2 in every 5 women will experience problems in the area of Women’s Health and/or Continence?

  • For many peopleseeing a trained Physiotherapist in this area will eliminate the need for surgery?

  • Seeking a Physiotherapist as first port of call has been found to be world’s best practice for the treatment of incontinence?  

Who Can Physiotherapy Help?

You might be surprised at the wide range of people and conditions that we treat here at Physique in the area of Women’s Health and Continence.  If you have ever had a baby, experience leakage, have to “go” all the time or find it hard to “go”, have a diagnosed or suspected prolapse or notice something changing in your pelvic region, you would likely benefit to have help in preventing problems or managing existing symptoms. A host of different issues can crop up later in life, and we can’t stress enough how important and easy it is to get help!

And it’s not just older people who have problems. If you are young and experiencing difficulties “down below”, trust us, it’s more common than you think! Sometimes issues start in youth, and continue on into adulthood.  Early intervention can make a huge difference to your quality of life!

Common Problems...

Although these conditions have been explained separately, it is also possible that you may experience difficulties in 2 or more of these areas combined.

  • Pre or Post-Natal Concerns:  Your body goes through amazing changes when you carry and deliver a baby!  At Physique we understand the impact that pregnancy can have on your body, including your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. We also know it doesn’t stop there, and there can be many different physical changes that occur in your pelvic region from childbirth and caring for a little one afterwards.
  • Pelvic Pain: Pelvic Pain is a complex problem which can involve pain originating from external or internal structures.  Pelvic floor muscles and other external muscles may also be overactive or damaged arising in pain.
  • Prolapse:  The word Prolapse is derived from the Latin word ‘prolapi , which literally means ‘to fall down’.  When it comes to the female anatomy, this means any of the pelvic organs have the potential to drop down in varying degrees! As a high percentage of all women may experience this at some stage of their lives, it is one of the most common and least talked about Women’s Health issues there is! Generally, this is caused by a combination of weak pelvic floor muscles, and damage to the ligaments or thick connective tissue within the pelvis.  Common causes include childbirth, obesity, chronic coughing, straining, or other repetitive stresses to the pelvis, and hormonal changes after menopause.
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence:  This is one of the most common types of incontinence. It occurs most commonly as a result of a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and/or the ligaments/connective tissue. It’s often experienced when pressure is placed on the abdomen from a cough, sneeze, laughing, or other physical straining
  •  Urgency or Urge Urinary Incontinence:  Urgency is the sudden and strong urge to urinate for no apparent reason and this can often follow with incontinence. The bladder muscle contracts with little warning and the person feels as if they have to go immediately, which sometimes results in not being able to reach a toilet in time.
  • Nocturia: This is the need to wake and urinate during the night.  For some of us it is normal to get up once a night. However, depending on your age, when you are waking 2-3 times per night this can be an indication that there may be other issues underlying this problem that warrant further investigation.
  • Defecation problems: Defecation problems are actually quite common and often can really be assisted by physiotherapy. If you are experiencing difficulties with control, constipation or urgency, treatment could help these issues significantly.

How Treatment Helps...

There are many ways that a therapist at Physique is able to assist in improving or alleviating your symptoms.   Where appropriate, being taught the correct technique to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles can reduce your symptoms.  If required there are also small devices to assist in managing your symptoms and can be useful for women who wish to put off, or avoid, gynaecological surgery.  Certain manual techniques, such as soft tissue massage and gentle joint mobilisation can also assist in reducing pain in the pelvic region.  Bladder re-training, or pelvic floor relaxation techniques are also effective in those experiencing difficulty in Urgency or Pelvic Pain syndromes.

Our Aim?

Our aim is to provide you with an effective plan to manage and alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life! Make an appointment at Physique Physiotherapy today to get treated by a physiotherapist who specialises in the treatment of the Pelvic Floor.  Let’s do something about this together!

Make an appointment at Physique Physiotherapy today to get treated by a physiotherapist that specialises in the treatment of the Pelvic Floor. Whether you have had a baby or not, have a prolapse, are incontinent, or wishing to remain continent, contact Physique and let’s do something about this together!

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